Ecofor’s dedicated and experienced team provides a variety of forest management services throughout British Columbia. We service a wide range of clients, including private industry, developers, land and woodlot owners, government agencies, forest licensees, First Nations, and Indigenous organizations.
Ecofor’s goal is to ensure that harvesting, road construction, and reforestation are conducted in a manner that is not only timely and responsible, but also minimal in impact to our natural and cultural resources.
We develop detailed, practical management strategies that are sensitive to the logistical constraints of fiber extraction and Integrated Resource Management (IRM). Our commitment also lies with providing clients the information that they need to properly manage our precious forest resources.
- Forest Development Planning
- Silviculture Assessments and Audits
- Forest Health Assessments
- Plantability Assessments
- Tree Planting Audits
- Site Preparation Assessments
- Silviculture Prescription Planning
- Timber Cruising
- Vegetation Inventories
- Riparian Assessments
- Beetle Probing
- GPS Traversing
- Eco-typing and Site Plan Preparation
- Block Boundary and Road Layout
- Culturally Modified Tree (CMT) Inventories