
Dome Mountain Mine

Services: Archaeology & Cultural Resources

Work Involved:

  • Archaeological Overview Assessment (AOA)
  • Archaeological Impact Assessment (AIA)
  • Traditional Land Use Study (TLU)
  • Valued Ecosystem Component (VEC) Study
  • First Nations and Indigenous Engagement

Project Description:

The Dome Mountain Mine is a small underground silver and gold mine located ~38 km east of Smithers in northwestern BC. Ecofor was contracted by Metal Mountain Resources Inc. to conduct a cultural resources impact assessment as part of a larger Environmental Assessment team.

In 2009, Ecofor conducted a comprehensive review of known historical and archaeological information for the project area including archaeological site databases, historic maps, ethnographic sources, and previous studies conducted in the area. A detailed heritage assessment was required to assess potential impacts as a result of mine development and activities.

Ecofor sampled a portion of the overall study area and conducted a Traditional Land Use Study (TLU), Archaeological Overview Assessment (AOA), and a Valued Ecosystem Component (VEC) Study, followed by an Archaeological Impact Assessment (AIA). Fieldwork by Ecofor archaeologists took place during the TLU and AIA phases of the project. All assessment activities were guided and informed by consultation and engagement with the Lake Babine Nation and the Keyoh (territory) holder for the study area.

Deliverables throughout the project lifespan included regular progress updates and individual reports for the AOA, AIA, TLU, and VEC components of the project. These reports described in detail the archaeological and historic resources within the area, the traditional uses of the area, and the aspects of the area that held the greatest importance to the local community. Potential impacts to these heritage resources were presented to the client with recommended measures for avoidance and mitigation, and the reports authored by Ecofor played a key role in the Small Mines Act Permit Application that Metal Mountain Resources was preparing.